Announcing the new UK ISHINRYU HOMBU led by sensei Lee Smith
Coming soon – sensei Lee Smith will be opening a new Ishinryu club in the Romford area. This new club will become the Hub for Ishinryu training in the UK. The Hombu. The Hombu will be open for students and instructors from all other clubs to attend.
The Japanese word Hombu translates as Headquarters. In years gone by there was an Ishinryu Hombu in Barking Park. More senior students will remember training there and maybe taking their General Grading there.
The exact location, along with training times for the new Hombu, will be published here in due course. The opening date will depend on the end of the lock-down as for all other clubs.
The UK Hombu will be a valuable addition to our existing Ishinryu clubs. The central Hombu will provide a location in which to train and learn and come together as one association.