2020 Summer Course

For now, the Summer Course remains scheduled.  As we get nearer the date, we will be better placed to make a decision.  Please check here, and on our Facebook group for news of any change.


Announcing the 2020 Ishinryu Summer Course for Saturday 20th June and Sunday 21st June.

Same Venue – The Forest Row Centre in Collier Row

New Events – For 2020 the Saturday evening party is also an Ishinryu reunion event

New Instructors  – Chris Karwacinski joins the 2019 Instructor team led by Sensei Ticky Donovan OBE

Awards – For male and female student of the weekend

Gradings – The course will include a grading for those ready to grade (included in the course fee) for all non-Dan Grades

Run by Ishinryu Karate and open to all Karate styles, the Ishinryu Summer course is now in it’s 45th continuous year.

Small Facebook IconSee our Ishinryu Summer Course Group on Facebook for more detail and up to date news on the Course.

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